Monday, February 13, 2017

Inflation- February 06, 2017

  • Inflation:
    -Increase or rise in price or general rising level of prices
    -Reduces the 'purchasing power' of money
  • Purchasing power:-Amount of goods and services that your money can buy

  • Three Cause of Inflation1) Printing too much money
    2) Demand- Pull inflation   
        -caused by an excess of Demand over output that pulls prices upward
    3) Cost- Pull inflation    
        -caused by a rise in per unit production costs due to increasing resource cost
  • Inflation rate:
    -Ideal inflation rate is 2- 3%
    -(Current Price index - Base year price index)  * 100
                      Base year price index
  • Rule of 70
    -Used to calculate the # of years it will take for the price level to double at any given rate of inflation
    -(70/annual rate of inflation)
  • Deflation:
    -General decline in the price level
  • Disinflation:
    -Occurs when the inflation rate itself declines
  • Nominal Interest rate
    -Unadjusted cost of borrowing or lending money
  • Real interest rate:
    -Cost of borrowing or lending money adjusted for inflation
    -Real = nominal interest rate - expected inflation
  • Unanticipated inflation (Hurt by inflation):
    -Lenders - people who lend money at fixed interest rates
    -People with fixed incomes
  • Anticipated inflation (Helped by inflation):
    -Borrowers- people who borrow money
    -A business where the price of the product increases faster than the price of resources
  • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA):
    -Some workers have salaries that mirror inflation
    -They negotiate wages that rise with inflation

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