Sunday, February 12, 2017

Calculations- February 01, 2017

  • Trade:
    - Exports (-) imports
    - Positive = Surplus
    - Negative = Deficit
  • Budget:
    -Government purchases of goods/services (+) Government Transfer Payments (-) Government Tax and Fee Collection
    -Positive = Deficit
    -Negative = Surplus
  • National Income:
    1. Compensation of employees (+) Rental income (+) Interest Income (+) Proprietor's Income (+) Corporate Profits
    2. GDP (-) Indirect Business Taxes (-) Depreciation (-) Net Foreign Factor Payment
  • Disposable Income: 
    - National income (-) Personal household taxes (+) Government transfer payments.
  • Net Domestic Product:
    -GDP (-) Depreciation

  • Net national Product:
    -GNP (-) Depreciation
  • Gross National Product:
    -GDP (+) Net Foreign Factor Payment
  • Depreciation:
    -Consumption of fixed capital
    -Wear & tear of capital equipment

  • Gross Investment:
    -Net investment (+) Depreciation 

1 comment:

  1. Your notes are great. The formulas are separated so its easy to distinguish the different formulas. I like that you put the plus/minus signs in parenthesis, it makes it look a little more neat. You should add some links and videos to make your blog more insightful.
