Sunday, February 12, 2017

GDP and GNP- January 30, 2017


  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP):
    -Total value of all final goods & services produced within a country's borders in a given year.
    -Includes all production or income earned within the U.S by U.S and foreign producers.
    -Excludes production outside of the U.S, even by Americans.
  • GDP formula: 
    -C + Ig + G +Xn
  • C: consumption (67%)
  • Ig: Gross private Domestic Investment (18%)
    -Factor equipment maintenance
    -New Factor equipment
    -Construction of Housing
    -Unsold inventory of products built in a year
  • G: Government purchases (17%)
    -The government purchasing goods, services, weapons, etc.

  • Xn: Net exports (-2%)
    -Exports - Importsk

  • Included in GDP:
    -C, Ig, G, Xn
  • Excluded in GDP:
    1)Intermediate goods
        -inputs used to produce final goods and services
        -avoid double or multiple counting
    2) Used or Second hand goods
        -avoid double or multiple counting
    3) Stocks and bounds
        -no production involved
    4) Gifts or Transfer Payment
        -Private + public
        -Scholarships, social security, unemployment
    5) Illegal Activities
    6) Unreported Business activities
    7) Non- Market Activity
        -Volunteer, babysitting

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