Thursday, March 9, 2017

Contractionary and Expansionary Fiscal Policy- 03/07/2017

Contractionary and Expansionary Fiscal Policy

Contractionary (The Brake)
-law that reduces inflation, decreases GDP
-closes a inflationary gap
1) Decreases Government spending
2) Tax increases
3) Combinations of the two

Expansionary fiscal policy (The GAS)
-law that reduces unemployment and increases GDP
-closes a recessionary gap
1) Increases Government spending
2) Decreases taxes on consumers
3) Combination of the two

Automatic or Butt-in Stabilizers
-Anything that increases the government’s budget deficit during a recession and increases it’s budget surplus during inflation without requiring explicit action by policy makers.

Transfer Payments
-Welfare checks
-Food Stamps
-Unemployment checks
-Corporate dividends
-Social security
-Veteran’s Benefits

1 comment:

  1. I JUST realized that I commented on the wrong unit. Wow. Anyway, I really LOVE your blog. Your blog really puts mine to shame. I love how you shorten your notes by the way.
