Thursday, March 9, 2017

Consumption and Savings- 02/23/17

Consumption and Savings

Disposable income:
-Income after taxes or net income
- DI = Gross income – Taxes

2 Choices
-without disposable income, households can either consume, or save

-Household spending
-Ability to consume is constrained by
     >the amount of disposable income
     >the propensity to save

Do households consume if DI = 0
-       Autonomous consumption
-       Dissaving
-       APC = C/ DI = % DI that is spent

- Household Spending
- Ability to consume is constrained by
     >the amount of disposable income
     >the propensity to consume
- Do household have if DI = 0
- APS = S/DI = % DI that’s not spent
-APC + APS = 1
- 1- APC = APS
- 1- APS = APC

-Marginal propensity to consume
            -C/ DI
            - % of every extra $ earned that is saved

- MPC + MPS = 1
- 1- MPC = MPS
- 1 – MPS = MPC

Determinants of C & S
-Household Debt


1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. It looks nice and clean. I like how you separated the different sections,makes it easier to understand. The video helps with the understanding of the content.The one thing you should do is add some examples for APC, APS, MPC, and MPS.
