Monday, January 23, 2017

Production Possibilities Graph- January 5, 2017

Production Possibilities Graph
  • Production possibilities graph (ppg): shows alternative ways to use an economy's resources.
    -Line on the PPGis known as the frontier or curve
    -When producing at the frontier, efficiency occurs
    -When producing beneath the frontier, underutilization occurs
  • Efficiency: using all resources in such a way to maximize the production of goods and services
    -increases profits

  • Underutilization: opposite if efficiency
    -using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using.
    -leads to decrease in profits

  • 4 assumptions:
    -Only two goods can be produced
    -Full employment of resources
    -Fixed resources (factors of production)
    -Fixed technology

  • Three types of movements that occur within the PPC:
    -inside the PPC
    -along the PPC
    -shifts of the PPC

  • Two types of Efficiency:
    1) Productive Efficiency
        -Products are being produced in the least costly way
        -This is any point on the PPC
    2) Allocative Efficiency
        -The products being produced are the most desired by society
        -This optimal point on the PPC depends on the desires of society.

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