Monday, January 16, 2017

Basic Concepts of Economics- January 3, 2017

Basic Components of Economic

I. Macroeconomics vs. Microeconomics
  1. Macroeconomics
    -study of the economy as a whole
    -ex) international trade, inflation
  2. Microeconomics:
    -study of individual or specific units of the economy
    -ex) Supply and Demand, market structures, business organization 
II. Positive Economics vs. Normative Economics
  1. Positive Economics:
    -Claims that attempt to describe the world as it is.
    -Collects and presents facts
  2. Normative Economics:
    -Claims that attempt to prescribe how the world should be
    -Opinion based
III. Needs vs. Wants 
  1. Needs:
    -Basic Requirements for survival
  2. Wants:
IV. Scarcity vs. Shortage
  1. Scarcity:
    -Fundamental economic problem that all society faces
    -How to satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources 
  2. Shortage:
    -Quantity demanded is greater than Quantity supplied. 
V. Goods vs. Services
  1. Goods:
    -Tangible commodities
    -Something you can touch and feel.

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